Saturday, October 13, 2012

Manila's Test of the Toughest! PUSAKALYE 4, Alleycat Race!

Once again, PUSAKALYE's 4th Alleycat race will commence tomorrow, October 14, and at The Collective along Malugay Street, Makati!

Another Sunday full of fast paced runs and exhilarating mashes by adrenaline filled local fixed gear and single speed riders that will dominate the streets of Manila and have their skills, patience, knowledge of its streets, and endurance tested with its world famous traffic, even made tougher by the most critical and hardest checkpoints by far located around the metro.

This Sunday isn't the time to rest, but to see who's the TOUGHEST!!!

Special thanks to:
Tryon Riders
Calle PH
Enemy Bikes
Yadu 621
Crest Pursuit

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