Monday, February 10, 2014

ULTRAMAN 2014! See you all this Wednesday!

Let's make Ultraman more exciting this 2014!

The Ultraman race will now be a series that will run until the end of year.
Gather your crew and compete for individual and team points.

- Teams of 5 (at most) will be allowed to join every race
- Team Roster will not be closed. You can add/change your race lineup every month, as long as new members have not previously competed with another team.
- Points will be awarded in this order:

Monthly Ultraman Winner: 5 Points
Monthly Ultraman Finalist: 3 Points
Monthly Ultraman Competitor: 1 Point

- Individual with the most points will be 2014 Ultraman Champion
- Team with the most points will be awarded the 2014 Ultraman Team Champions

- The series format will only apply to the MFG Category. Open Category will still follow the Winner-Takes-All format.
- Helmets are required.
- Registration fee is Php 70.
- We will have a year-end race, which will be held on December 2014.

New rules and guidelines will be applied in Ultraman 8 this Wednesday, February 12.

Visit for more info.